185. Overcome Isolation and Loneliness By Plugging Into a Supportive Community

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Have the challenges of blending a family ever left you feeling alone?

Maybe you've felt like you're the only one experiencing the unique realities of blended family life.

Maybe you're struggling with parenting complexities and your friends just don't get it.  Or communication is tense in your couple relationship and your extended family can't seem to understand why.

Maybe the kids are acting out or shutting down and it's hard to explain to everyone around you.  Or maybe there's ongoing chaos stirred up by a difficult Ex and everyone's "advice" doesn't seem to be helpful.

The truth is, regardless of the challenges you're facing — you are NOT alone! 

In this episode, we're connecting with a couple from our blended family support community.  Chris and Nicole are one of our founding members who felt "isolated" and "horrible" before getting connected to our community.

Listen in to discover how a community of other blended couples can empower you to make a difference in your home — just like Chris and Nicole who didn't stay stuck in their pain and confusion. 

If you've ever felt alone in your blending journey, this is the episode for you.  And who knows, you might discover that a community focused on growth, practical tools, and genuine support could be exactly what you're looking for.

You'll Discover:

  • How one of our founding member couples - Chris and Nicole - have benefitted from our supportive community called "Blending Together"

  • How you (and your family ) might overcome challenges through a growth-minded community full of couples that are in the same boat as you

  • If our "Blending Together" community is the place for you to take the next positive step in your blending journey

Resources from this Episode:

Ready for personalized support?  Schedule your free coaching call

We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://calendly.com/mikeandkimcoaching/freesession

Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start?

With so many episodes available here on the show, it might feel a bit overwhelming to find the topics that matter most to you.  That's why we've created the Blended Family Breakthrough Quiz which will direct you to the most impactful episodes that pertain to you personally.

Join our community

You don't need to navigate blended family life alone.  Join our supportive community where you'll connect directly with us and other couples just like you who are intentionally investing in healthy blending strategies.  Click the link to find out how to join: https://learning.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/blendingtogether

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Mike Anderson

I grew up in difficult stepfamily dynamics.  I have experienced life as a step-child, a step-sibling and a step-parent.  My stepfamily perspective combined with my expertise as a Professional Life Coach uniquely qualifies me to help you move forward in your stepfamily journey.


186. How to Build an Atmosphere of Trust and Influence as a Stepfather [with Gil Stuart]


184. The Heart of Motherhood: Navigating Messy Moments with Empathy and Love